Sunday, December 10, 2006


Have just had the photographers file back from Penguin Books for the new painting. 'Women in Love' by DH Lawrence is due to be re-published in the spring - and I'm pretty happy with the results. A big thank-you to Coralie and Helen, who - amongst their other talents - stepped right out of the pages of Edwardian Bootylicious Quarterly to bring the picture to life. You are indeed - 'Ladies!'

Thanks also to Penguin Books picture peeps Sam and Jim, who accompanied me to The Victoria and Albert Museum Illustration Awards last week. We picked up 2nd Place in the Book Cover category for 'Sons and Lovers' - which was a non too shabby placing. The painting is there until March so go and have a look if you get the chance. Finally a big heart-felt thank-you to Jennifer who now owns the painting and was an absolute superstar in lending it back to me for the show.

I am currently, and to the palpable exasperation of my close family and friends, referring to myself in the third person using the acronym TAWAAR (The Award Winning Artist Aaron Robinson) whenever possible.

I'm reliably informed that this 'will have to end soon'.

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